Saturday, November 26, 2011

No! TPLF's Cadres for the brave men and women of Ethiopians and Ethio-Americans in the Metro Atlanta area. How about Dallas?

Press Release by Ethio-Americans Joint Forum in Georgia

On October the 2nd 2011, the Woyane thugs organized a meeting to discuss on the Diaspora draft law and Bond sale for Hedase dam. Again, the meeting excluded Ethiopians and Ethio-Americans who were defined by Woyane undesirable based on their political stand and ethnic origin. This is against the Constitution of the United States of America and it was successfully challenged and the meeting was eventually cancelled. The Woyane thugs and traitors took them almost two more months to find an alternate place for the meeting. Finally, knowing that they are not welcome in any public property in the Metro Atlanta area, they were forced to seek a distressed private property for the meeting planned to be held November 20, 2011.
The brave men and women of Ethiopians and Ethio-Americans in the Metro Atlanta area organized themselves putting aside their differences and acted as one to fight such open discrimination and exclusion by the Wayane Cadres whose purpose is to benefit by the expenses of the death and suffering of our people by a tribalist and fascist TPLF regime.

We wrote a compelling letter to the County CEO , Council members, the County police Chief and prominent Civil Rights leaders , exposing the killings, mass imprisonment, torture and gross human rights violations including Genocide and War crimes documented by the International Institutions. We demanded two basic things:
1. The representatives of such barbaric and human rights violators should not be allowed to promote their atrocities in this free country;
2. The intimidation and abuse of protestors by private security forces hired by the Woyane Cadres should not be tolerated; instead the County should protect the safety and rights of its law abiding tax payers, not representatives of human rights violators.
We were well received and the County assigned police force to make sure the protestors rights is not violated and their safety not compromised. They also promised us such discriminatory meeting will never be allowed in a public property anywhere in the County . The plan by the Woyane Cadres was to intimidate and evict the protestors from the property before the meeting starts so that their agitated members who do not have the courage to see the protesters face to face may have soft land to the meeting hall. However, the Professional police force who was assigned by our request to protect the law without bias told them, “It is our right to stand 15 feet closer to the Entrance and protest peacefully”. The protestors brought slogans, flags and banners and started rocking the area using loudspeakers. The Woyane Cadres attempted to complain and requested the police to drive us out of their sight. Unfortunately, the police force was not “Agazi Special force” at this time. Confused and lost, the Woyane Cadres were irritated and some of them left the scene while few mislead members who came for the meeting joined the protestors. The area was chaos and Ambassador Girma Birru came 2 and 1/2 hours late. He also faced the angry protestors blasts and denouncements.

The meeting which was planned to last seven hours (1pm to 8pm) and attract more than 1000 people and raise millions of dollars; lasted barely two hours with only 95 depressed and lost Woyane Cadres. This was a huge failure for the Woyane thugs who organized themselves in the name of Development Associations based on their ethnic origin and promoted the meeting by opening new radio stations hosted by the traitor Solomon Tekalign.
On the other hand it was a big success for the brave protesters who challenged the discriminatory nature of the meeting successfully and systematically. This meeting created great opportunity for protestors to expose the true nature of the Woyane repressive regime. The Woyan Ambassador himself helped us to prove to the world that” Ethiopia is only for Woyane Cadres and their families; anybody who has different stand from them has no role or place in the New Ethiopia.” The heroic Ethiopians answer is “Bandas (traitors) and the Sons and Daughters of traitors shall not have any place in Ethiopia and the Ethiopian people will prove it soon through their struggle!.”

Fellow Ethiopians ! This is the time to put aside our differences and unite our effort to save our country and our people from mercenaries . This is the time to organize ourselves and expose the crimes of Woyane thugs who chose to play the role of puppets for personal gain at the expense of our people who are killed, tortured and imprisoned by Woyane criminal gangs every single day. It is a shame and curse for the Diaspora , to watch the Wayane thugs
emboldened in a free country we live in. What is happening is beyond imagination and we need to break our silence and challenge the traitors and become voice for the voiceless.
Victory for the Ethiopian People
Silence is the deadliest weapon of mass destruction
“The biggest weapon in the hands of the oppressors is the minds of the oppressed.” Steve Biko.
Thank you for taking your time to read this press release.
The Committee for “Ethiopians and Ethio-Americans Joint Forum in Georgia”