በዚህ ቢዲዮ የመጀመሪያ የምትያይዋት ጎብዝ ልጅ ስትሆን ኒኮሎዲያን ላይ በዚህ መሳተፍ ስልጠና እና ለወድድር የቀረበውንም ተወዳዳሪ አሸንፋ ባግኘችው የኬም ዳውሰን ኤጀንሲን መተዋወቅ እና የአክቲንግ ነጻ ትምህርት መክኒያት ኒኮሎዲያን ላይ ማስታወቂያ ልትሰራ ችላለች።
የኢትዮጵያ ቀን በዳላስ እንዴት እንደተጀመረ ብሎም በውስጡ የነበረው ሻጥር አሁንም ቀጥሎ በዳላስ ፎርት ወርዝ ስር ሰዶ የሕብረተሰቡን ፍቅር እና አንድነት ፡ መተሳሰብ እንደ ነቀርሳ እየበላ ፡ እያሰለሰለ እየሄደ የመጣውን በግልጽ በማስቀመጥ ፡ የኢትዮጵያዊነት አንድነት መጉጃነቱን መርዝ እና መርዙን እንዴት እንደረጩት አስመልክቶ በተጨባጭ በዚሁ ብሎግ ይቀጥላል። እስከዛ ለዛሬ እዚህ ላይ እናቆማለን።
The above video first was Published on Jul 25, 2013 at "teshome abebe you tube"
Video, while the Youth at Workshop/Training for Ethiopian Day
Part One: Ethiopian Day in Dallas, Youth Program formed
for Mutual Assistance Association For Ethiopian Community (MAAEC) in July, 2002 by Yeharerwerk Gashaw.
1: Yeharewerk Gashaw's Mission for forming and creating the Ethiopian Youth program for MAAEC was by means of entertainments production such as filming, modeling, acting, producing, writing script and photographing and organizing fashion shows, casting, directing and stage designing, to inspire all girls and boys to be strong, smart, bold, and be self-sufficient, responsible member of the world community (Ethiopian) and to serve as a vigorous advocate for all young people by becoming mentor to each other in their communities, school and developing girls' capacity to overcome the effects of discrimination..
2: Goals:
To teach to the Youth leadership skills, non violence communication, respect, honesty, accountability, communication, self-respect, the advantage of succeeding in American school, continuing education after high school in any filed, strong decision-making skills and abilities to take action, personal responsibility, willingness to be a role model and to participate in learning job-seeking skills such as in the film, modeling, directing, producing, photographing, filming, designing stage and organizing shows.
Workshop/Training Location: @ Holiday Inn Hotel on North Central Express Way Dallas, Texas. And the entire expenses paid by Yeharerwerk Gashaw, or the love of Ethiopian unity and new generation.
Part One: Ethiopian Day in Dallas, Youth Program formed
for Mutual Assistance Association For Ethiopian Community (MAAEC) in July, 2002 by Yeharerwerk Gashaw.
1: Yeharewerk Gashaw's Mission for forming and creating the Ethiopian Youth program for MAAEC was by means of entertainments production such as filming, modeling, acting, producing, writing script and photographing and organizing fashion shows, casting, directing and stage designing, to inspire all girls and boys to be strong, smart, bold, and be self-sufficient, responsible member of the world community (Ethiopian) and to serve as a vigorous advocate for all young people by becoming mentor to each other in their communities, school and developing girls' capacity to overcome the effects of discrimination..
2: Goals:
To teach to the Youth leadership skills, non violence communication, respect, honesty, accountability, communication, self-respect, the advantage of succeeding in American school, continuing education after high school in any filed, strong decision-making skills and abilities to take action, personal responsibility, willingness to be a role model and to participate in learning job-seeking skills such as in the film, modeling, directing, producing, photographing, filming, designing stage and organizing shows.
Workshop/Training Location: @ Holiday Inn Hotel on North Central Express Way Dallas, Texas. And the entire expenses paid by Yeharerwerk Gashaw, or the love of Ethiopian unity and new generation.
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