Friday, February 17, 2012

Local Long Time African Revoluntionary Warrior Bandele Tyeimba Passes While Sleeping

From: Thomas Muhammad

Hotep Family and especially to those who are "Ready for the Revoluntion!"

It saddens me to announce that my dear friend of nearly 27 years has passed on to the place of our holy African Ancestors. Brother Bandele Tyeimba, Co-Owner of the Pan African Connections Books & Resource Center passed away in his sleep last night.

His longtime soul mate and loving wife Akwete said he became a little tired and decided to rest for a while. When she herself decided to retire to bed as well she found he was unresponsive and she quickly tried to find the problem for his unresponsiveness. Finally after attempting several ways to bring him around she dialed 911, but it was too late to revive him.

Our Brother Warrior leaves behind three beautiful children whom many of us on this list watched and assisted in bringing about their development. They have all grown up to be great examples of how movement can be a wonderful environment to raise children who truly understand the world and their role in it.

Much like Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Atse Haile Selassie, Amilcar Cabral, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. Kwame Toure, Asa Hilliard, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Tupac Shakur and many others our Warrior Brother Bandele has left his mark on our struggle forever. I will never forget my travel with him to Ghana it will truly remain one of the high points in my life and growth as a proud African. 

Please let us take a moment to remember particularly as we look around our homes, offices and places of abode at the many African products our Brother Warrior provided us towards uplifting our movement struggle in this community of Dallas Texas, surrounding areas of North Texas, the Texas state and indeed the nation of America.

We will forever be grateful for his continued insistence that we continue to "move our people forward towards a United States of Africa."

Sure we will mos def miss him, but this is not a time for downward fillings. Instead let us fill the air with the sounds of our mother drums and dance the dance of our Ancestors and celebrate the great life of this Warrior's spirit!

Aluta Continua! The Struggle Continues...

Your Brother in struggle Thomas Muhammad, Chairman NBUF-Dallas Chapter

Forward Ever! Backwards Never!