Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DFW Ethiopian Community Blog supports ESFNA's 29 annual tournament in Dallas!!!!

Posted by Yeharerwerk Gashaw.
Message from esfna buisness manager.

-----Original Message-----
From: ESFNA Vending <business.manager@esfna.net>
To: yehar9 <yehar9@aol.com>
Sent: Mon, Feb 27, 2012 8:59 pm
Subject: ESFNA Vending Application for Dallas, TX
 ESFNA is delighted to announce its 29th annual tournament to be in Dallas, TX.  We always appreciate the vendors that have made our event successful and colorful through the years.  As we thank you for your previous partnership with us, we would also like to extend an invitation for you to come and register as a vendor for this year&rsquo;s event in Dallas, TX.

This year, we are anticipating our biggest crowd ever and we need enough vendors to partner with us to serve our guests and players who are making their preparations for Dallas as we speak.  Vending spots are limited and provided on first-come-first-served basis.  Click on the link below and register today.
Notice:  We have prepared online forms for ease of registration; however, since it has become harder to sort the serious applicants from the rest, we only accept applications with a non-refundable $30.00 application fee.

Thank you and look forward to working with you in Dallas, TX.  We appreciate your continued partnership with ESFNA.

Business Manager

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bandele Tyehimba an African-American Revolutionary Pan-Africanist

By Marilyn K.
"The Ancestors Have Called"
Bandele Tyehimba
December 17, 1953-February 15, 2012

 Our Comrade Bandele Tyehimba, Revolutionary Pan-Africanist, Organizer with the United States of Africa Revolutionary Party (USARP), and Formerly 30 year member of the All African People's Revolutionary Party (AAPRP), owner of the Pan-African Connection Bookstore, Art Gallery and Resource Center a 22 year old institution of African Culture and Political Education in Dallas Tx.,   Husband, Father and ideological father and friend to many.

" Bandele was a man of principles, Bandele was a worker, Bandele was a man who loved African People and Humanity, Bandele loved Africa more than anything  and his work to unify Africans made a trememdous impact on the Dallas and Global Commnity.

We will miss him, says Akwete his wife,  he fought imperialism until his eyes closed for his final nap."   Bandele like Garvey would say, "Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm, look for me all around you, for with God's grace, I shall come and bring with me countless millions of freedom fighters, who have died fighting the exploitation, and oppression of working people and the millions in Africa to aid you in the fight for Liberty, Freedom and Life".

We salute our brother for his consistent and courageous contribution to the Liberation of African People
Bandele said, " When MLK spoke of the Promise Land he was'nt speaking of America or some seat in the heaven, but The 'Promised Land' of African people worldwide is
'A United States of Socialist Africa',"

Awaking Ceremony
Date: Tuesday, February 21st
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Location: Pan African Connection Bookstore
828 4th Avenue , Dallas, TX 75226
Phone: 214-943-8262
Cell: 214-417-6463

Funeral Service:
( Requested  Attire : White  or African Attire ( No Black)
Date: Wednesday, February 22nd
Time:  11 am
Location: St. Luke "Community" UMC
  5710 East R. L. Thornton Frwy. , Dallas, TX 75223
  Phone: 214.821.2970 Main Office
  214.821.3791 Main Fax
Repass ( Gathering After Funeral )
Location:Cornerstone Baptist Church
1819 Martin L. King Junior Boulevard, Dallas, TX 75215
Recommended Attire for Services: White or African attire,
(But if not please come as you are)
Flowers may be sent to the
Pan-African Connection Bookstore
828 4th Ave., Dallas Texas 75226


Let's Rock Black History Every Day

Friday, February 17, 2012

Local Long Time African Revoluntionary Warrior Bandele Tyeimba Passes While Sleeping

From: Thomas Muhammad

Hotep Family and especially to those who are "Ready for the Revoluntion!"

It saddens me to announce that my dear friend of nearly 27 years has passed on to the place of our holy African Ancestors. Brother Bandele Tyeimba, Co-Owner of the Pan African Connections Books & Resource Center passed away in his sleep last night.

His longtime soul mate and loving wife Akwete said he became a little tired and decided to rest for a while. When she herself decided to retire to bed as well she found he was unresponsive and she quickly tried to find the problem for his unresponsiveness. Finally after attempting several ways to bring him around she dialed 911, but it was too late to revive him.

Our Brother Warrior leaves behind three beautiful children whom many of us on this list watched and assisted in bringing about their development. They have all grown up to be great examples of how movement can be a wonderful environment to raise children who truly understand the world and their role in it.

Much like Osagyefo Kwame Nkrumah, Atse Haile Selassie, Amilcar Cabral, Frantz Fanon, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Jr. Kwame Toure, Asa Hilliard, Khalid Abdul Muhammad, Tupac Shakur and many others our Warrior Brother Bandele has left his mark on our struggle forever. I will never forget my travel with him to Ghana it will truly remain one of the high points in my life and growth as a proud African. 

Please let us take a moment to remember particularly as we look around our homes, offices and places of abode at the many African products our Brother Warrior provided us towards uplifting our movement struggle in this community of Dallas Texas, surrounding areas of North Texas, the Texas state and indeed the nation of America.

We will forever be grateful for his continued insistence that we continue to "move our people forward towards a United States of Africa."

Sure we will mos def miss him, but this is not a time for downward fillings. Instead let us fill the air with the sounds of our mother drums and dance the dance of our Ancestors and celebrate the great life of this Warrior's spirit!

Aluta Continua! The Struggle Continues...

Your Brother in struggle Thomas Muhammad, Chairman NBUF-Dallas Chapter

Forward Ever! Backwards Never!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

To free Ethiopian Christians from Saudi Arabia Prison.

Ethiopian National Government In Exile.

አጭር መግለጫ።
Dallas, Texas.

ይድረስ ለመላው የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ።

ከጃንዋሪ ጀምሮ በሳውዲ አረቢያ ክርስትናን በማምለካቸው የታሰሩት ኢትዮጵያውያን መብት ለማስጠበቅ ያስችል ዘንድ የኢትዮጵያ ብሔራዊ የስዴት መንግሥት ዋና መቀመጫው ዳላስ ቴክስሳ በኢንተርናሽናል ደረጃ ታሳሪዎቹን ለማስለቀቅ ሃያ ምስት አለም አቀፍ የሃይማኖት ታዋቂ ድርጅቶችን እና የተለያዩ መንግስታትን አሜሪካንን የጨመረ ትብብር በጠየቀው መሰረት የታስሪ ክርስቲያኖች ኢትዮጵያውያን ወገኖች ጉዳይ እየተስተጋባ ነው። በዲፕሎማቲክ ሕብርተሰብ መንግስታቸውን ወክለው ከሳውዲ መንግስት ጋር በመነጋገር ትብብራቸውን ያሳዩ ብዙ ናቸው። ይህ በግለሰቦች ጥረት ብቻ እግቡ የሚደርስ ሳይሆን ትልቅ የዲፕሎማሲ እና ታዋቂ የሰው ልጅ መብት ተከራካሪዎችን የሚጠይቅ በመሆኖ በተለያ ዘርፍ ያለን ግንኙነት እየረዳን ነው። የሚተባበሩን ከከተሞች እና አገሮች መሃል፡ ዳላስ ቴክሳስ፡ ሂውስተን፡ አትላንታ፡ ሰልማ አለባማ፡ ኒዮርክ፡ ዋሽንግተን ዲሲ፡ ካሊፎርኒያ፡ አፍሪካ ፓሪስ ፍራንስ፡ ኢንግላንድ፡ ጣሊያን ፡ ጀርመን፡ ራሻ፡ ቱርክ፡ ይገኙበታል።

የሐረርወርቅ ጋሻው

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Actress Yeharerwerk Gashaw is a Casting director and Yeharer Int'l Modeling &Talent Agency owner.

By Amanda B. Strauss
Los Angeles, CA.

What is a casting director?
Casting directors are hired by the producers and directors to audition talent for roles. Then their job is to show the best of the best to the producer and director for the final decision making. They also know how to negotiate and finalize the talent's contracts. The agent's job is to get the actor's photo and resume in front of the casting director while they are actively casting projects.

Casting is one of the most important jobs in the entertainment industry. Typically, casting directors offer a range of services, from drawing up lists of prospects to screening candidates on videotape to conducting nationwide searches and overseeing auditions. Demands vary from negotiating a bit player's fee to populating a director's vision with the right faces and voices. Casting is the only trade not recognized with an Academy Award; the Casting Society of America honors outstanding achievement with its annual Artios awards, the profession's equivalent of the Oscars.
The person who auditions and helps to select all of the speaking role actors in film, television shows or plays. The CD must possess a vast knowledge of the actor pool and be able to match a variety of actors with just the right role. Directors and producers rely on the Casting Director to assist them with assembling the perfect cast for their production. Casting Directors are also responsible for serving as the liason between the director, and the actors and their agents. CDs negotiate the deals with agents once the actors have been cast and are also responsible for the contracts and SAG of each actor.
Most casting directors operate in Los Angeles or New York, but there are still casting directors in other states as well.

A Busy Job
Casting directors probably have the most busiest job in Hollywood, Paris, Londen. It’s their job to find or “cast” all of the roles for any given movie or television project in a limited time. They are the ones that send out the “breakdowns” (see what an agent does to find out what a breakdown is) to the agents for specific roles they are looking for. So for example, in a movie script, if there is a little Asian girl who is eight years old, it will be up to the casting directors to let all of the talent agents know that they are looking for an eight year old Asian girl for that particular movie project, get it? Now as you know, there are many characters in a single movie or television show so you can now guess how busy it would be for the casting directors to find just the right actor…a good enough actor to fit the right roles. So to sum it up, the casting director spends most of the day looking at tons of theatrical pictures from various agents. Once they see someone with a good resume’ or experience and someone who may look like the character described in the script, they request an audition to the agent for that particular actor.
Casting directors are hired to cast talent for:
  • Movies
  • Shows
  • Original Features
  • Commercials
  • TV Programs
  • Print Work
  • Fashion Shows
  • Runway
  • And much, much more
The Audition Process
Next comes the actual audition. After the casting director feels you may be right for the role, you have to audition. Ha, ha, ha, you don’t get the part yet. You don’t expect the casting director to just give you a part after only looking at your picture do you? Now here’s where all of your training and knowledge of acting has to come through. The competition is fierce so you’ll have to be prepared for this part--the "audition process". One mental breakdown during the audition process can mean you not getting the role so you’ll have to pretend that you’re not as nervous as you feel inside. Pretend, see? You’re acting already---even before the audition! It typically involves a series of auditions before a casting panel, composed of individuals such as the producer, director and/or choreographer. In the early stages of the process, candidate performers often may present prepared audition pieces such as monologues or songs. Later stages may involve groups of candidates attempting material from the work under consideration in various combinations; the casting panel considers both the talent of the individual actors and the chemistry of their combination.Depending on the prestige of the role, casting calls may go out to the public at large (typical for community theatre), to professional and semi-professional local actors (for supporting roles in theatre and film) or to specifically selected actors (for leading roles, especially in films).

Did You Get The Part?
If you think you did great on the first audition, hang in there, you’re not done yet. If you did good the first time, you’ll have to most likely audition again but this time in front of the director and producers of the project. So, your first audition would have been with just you and the casting director. The second audition will be with the casting director, director, and producers. The casting director is basically taking you in to show the top people what they found for that particular role for the television or movie project. This process may vary at times and sometimes you may even have to audition a third time but this is basically how it goes. You shouldn’t be afraid of casting directors though. They actually want you to do good on the audition because it makes them look good. They’ll be praised because such a talented person like you so do good on the audition! Once you do get the part, they let your agent know and then your agent will call you with the good news!

The History of Casting
Casting was born in the early 60's when the studio system collapsed and power shifted to the stars and their agents. Previous to that actors were under contract with the studios and negotiation was nonexistent, since the studio owned the talent.

In the production of film and television, a similar process is followed.
However, especially for major productions, the process of selecting candidates for sometimes hundreds of parts and possibly thousands of extras may often require specialized staff; while the last word remains with the people in artistic and production charge, a Casting director (and/or Casting Assistant, Casting Associate) may be in charge of most of the daily work involved in this recruiting process during pre-production; in addition the "CD" may also remain as liaison between director, actors and their agents once the parts have been cast.

At least in the early stages and for extras, casting may be decentralized geographically, often in conjunction with actual shooting planned in different states, e.g. in Hollywood , Dallas, New York (studio) and one or more exotic locations (e.g. Hawai, the Far East) and/or budget locations, e.g. Canada, Ireland. Another reason may be tapping in to each home market in the case of an international co-production. However for the top parts, the choice of one or more celebrities, whose presence is of enormous commercial importance, may rather follow strictly personal channels, e.g. direct contact with the director.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The United Nations criticized the Ethiopian government’s use of an anti-terrorism


UN Rights Advocates Criticise Ethiopia’s Use of Anti-Terror Law

February 03, 2012, 5:19 AM EST
By William Davison
Feb. 3 (Bloomberg) -- The United Nations criticized the Ethiopian government’s use of an anti-terrorism law to curb freedom of expression by jailing opposition politicians and reporters critical of the state.
In December, two Swedish journalists were sentenced to 11 years each by an Ethiopian court for supporting terrorism after being captured with a banned rebel group. An exiled journalist, two writers, a politician and one other individual, all from Ethiopia, were given terms ranging from 14 years to life last week for plotting terror acts.

Journalists “should not face criminal proceedings for carrying out their legitimate work, let alone be severely punished,” Frank La Rue, UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression, said in a statement posted on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
Ethiopia holds journalists accountable when they commit crimes, Communications Minister Bereket Simon said.
“Ethiopia clearly differentiates between freedom of expression and terrorism,” he said in a phone interview from the capital, Addis Ababa, today. “This is simply a very wrong defense of foreign journalists who have been caught red-handed when assisting terrorists.”
Ethiopia was the third-largest recipient of humanitarian aid in the world in 2009, receiving $3.8 billion, according to Global Humanitarian Assistance, the Wells, England-based research group. There are 26 UN agencies operating in Ethiopia, according to the Addis Ababa-based Development Assistance Group, which represents Ethiopia’s donors.
Terror Acts
Next month, 24 people including government opponents, exiled journalists and dissident writer Eskinder Nega, begin their defense of charges of committing terror acts under the Horn of Africa nation’s 2009 law.
“Journalists, bloggers and others advocating for increased respect for human rights should not be subject to pressure for the mere fact that their views are not in alignment with those of the government,” Margaret Sekaggya, who speaks for the UN on behalf of human rights defenders, said in the statement.
Critics are applying “double standards” as they do not claim freedom of expression is endangered when journalists are prosecuted in the West, according to Bereket.
Five human-rights groups, including London-based Amnesty International and New York-based Human Rights Watch, said a court case today in Addis Ababa threatens the “last remaining human rights monitoring NGO in Ethiopia.” The Addis Ababa-based Human Rights Council is trying to get a decision to freeze its funding reversed, the group said yesterday.
In 2009, Ethiopia banned charities working on human rights from receiving more than 10 percent of their funding from abroad.
--Editors: Paul Richardson, Karl Maier.
To contact the reporter on this story: William Davison in Addis Ababa via Nairobi at pmrichardson@bloomberg.net.
To contact the editor responsible for this story: Antony Sguazzin at asguazzin@bloomberg.net.