National Black United Front (NBUF) 34th Annual National Convention in Dallas a 5 days event was very successful!
The convention day one started on July 11, at 7 : p.m, at St. Luke Community United Mehodist
with Keynote Speaker Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr., Pasto Emeritus, Trinity UCC-Chicago Ill.
In the picture from left right are Yeharewerk Gashaw one of the founders of NBUF Dallas Chapter and board member, Kofi Taharka, Natioanl Chairman, Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr, Thomas Muhammad founder of NBUF Dallas Chapter, Chairperson, Jeffery Muhammad, Student Minister Nation of Islam Mosque #48 Dallas, Cynthia McKinney 1st Black Female US Rep. State of Georgia and Dr. Wesley Muhammad.
July 11, 2013,Thomas Muhammad introducing Dr. Henry L. Masters on to his left Dr. Jeremiah Wright, JR., listening.
July 11, 2013, from left to right Dr. Sheron Patterson, Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Mr. Nebiyou Damte of Ethiopia Director of Christian Fellowship Ministries International, Shadrack Ruto, Senior Pastor of Upendo Baptist Church, Sheikh Tijan Badjie an Imam from Gambian community.
July 11, 2013, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Yeharerwerk Gashaw at St. Luke Community Town Hall Meeting
African culture and Dance youth group opening the convention with African dram and welcoming the distinguish gusts and the crowd.
July 11, 2013, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinny, Yeharerwerk Gashaw, Rev.Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Jr, Thomas Muhammad. End of the Town Hall Meeting "African Spirituality at Home & Abroad"
July 12/ 13, at The Balck Academy of Arts & Letters (TBAAL) where the two days NBUF's Convention took place. In the picture, Fred Gaffar one of the NBUF founders and board member with the founder of TBAAL Curtis King and Messele Kelel of Ethiopia. Mesele served on Samia Nkrumah host organizing committee as the Vice President of Transportation and Photographer.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKenny, Thomas Muhammad and Yeharewerk
Yeharerwerk Gashaw with along time friend Curtis King the founder of "The Black Academy of Arts and Letters. Curtis King was in Addis Abeba , Ethiopia and organized show at the National Theater formerly Kedamawi Haile Selassie Theater Bet.
Nebiyou Damte, Director-Christian Fellowship Ministries International and Messele Kelel both from Ethiopia enjoying the nbuf's banquet. Mr. Nebiyu, was both days July 11 & 13 was one of the participants on the 34th National Black United Front Convention on the Community Town Hall Meeting along Dr. Fredrick D. Haynes, III, Senior Pastor Friendship Wet Baptist Church, Keynote Speaker Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wrights, Jr.UCC-Chicago Ill, Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Willis Johnson. And participated on panel discussion: "Battling Illiteracy among African-What's Best Public or Private"
Here Messele Kelel with the Africans and African-Americans Queen of human rights Congresswoman McKinney at the banquet.