Sunday, July 21, 2013
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney enjoying the Ethiopian history. News from NBUF Dallas Chapter
Photo news briefing by National Black United Front Dallas Chapter (NBUF) NBUF is about self help not begging from corporates.
For more information visit "" and contact Thomas Muhammad and join us!
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney was in Dallas for National Black United Front 34th Annual National Convention
"Africans Must Unite At Home and Abroad Revisiting Principles of Pan-Africanism" The convention was very successful! The convention was organized by NBUF African-Americans and many African immigrants in DFW this include Ethiopian community organizers and community leaders that are known by the DFW community and public for the last 30 years.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney enjoying the Ethiopian history-her history, all Africans and all Black people history!
ከላይ ፎቶ ላይ የምታይዋቸው ብዙ ኢትዮጵያውያን የሚያደንቁዋቸው ቆራጥዋ ክብር ሲንትያ ናቸው፡የመጀመሪያዋ ጥቁር ሴት ለአሜርካን ምክር ቤት ከአትላንታ የተመረጡ እና ስድስት ጊዜ ባጠቃልይ በመደጋገም ሕዝቡ የመረጣችው ሲሆኑ። በቲሪቡናል ኮርት በመገኘት በተለያዩ አገሮች እና ሕዝብ ላይ ወንጀል የሰሩን አሜሪካንን ጭምር ወጥረው የያዙ ናቸው። ሲንትያ ሜኪኒ ለብሄራዊ የጥቁሮች የአንድነት ግንባር የሰላሳ አራተኛ በአሉ ላይ የክብር እንግዳ ሆነው በመጡበት ባለፈው ሳምንት ያረፉበትን የሐረርወርቅ ጋሻውን ቤት ውስጥ የሚገኙትን የኢትዮጵያን እና የሌላ የአፍሪካ አገሮችን ሰአሊዎች የሳሉትን እና የአፍሪካን ቅርጻ ቅርጽ ጭምር እየተመለከቱ በአፍሪካ ታሪክ በሚያውቁት ላይ በጨማሪ በተለይ ስለ ኢትዮጵያ ብዙ እንዲገነዘቡ ያደረግዋቸው የታሪክ ቅርፅጾችን እና መጽሃፎችን ለምሳሌ ስለ አጼ ምንይልክ ስምተው ስለማያውቁ የንጉሱን አለባበስ እና ከባርሜጣቸው ስር የተፈተለ ሻሽ ማሰሩ ከሳቸው የተወሰደ መሆኑን ሲረዱ ጭምር ጣሊያንን ከመግረፍ ጭምር ሲረዱ የኢትዮጵያን ትሪክ የራሳቸው አድርጎ ነው ያቀፍት። ስለሆነም ከአንድ ወር በፊት ኢትዮጵያ ደርሰው የተመለሱት እህታችን ደህና መንግስት ቢኖር ኖሮ መጀመሪያ የእነ አጼ ምንይልክን ሃውልት እና የእነ ንግስት ጣይቱን ታሪክ በጎበኙ ነበር ሆነም ኩራታቸውን ፎቶ በመነሳት እያደነቁ የተነሱት ፎሮግራፍ እነሆ።
ከዚህ በታች ያለው ደግሞ
ሰዕል ከኢትዮጵያ የመጣ ፡ በኢትዮጵያ ሰአሊ የተሳለ ሲሆን የኤትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ቄስ የማሪያም መሃበርተኞች መሃል ተገኝተው ምግብ እየበሉ የሚያሳይ ሲሆን የቆሎ ተማሪው፡ የኔ ቢጤው እና ልጃገረዶች ወንድ ልጆች ጭምር በሰዕሉ ላይ ይታያሉ። ይህ ሰዕል በዳላስ ሞርኒንግ ላይ በሁለት ሺ ስምንት በአሜሪካን አቆጣተር ከዚሁ ከግድግዳው ላይ በአድናቆት ጋዜጠኞች ለጥቁሮች አመታዊ የታሪክ ወር ፎቶ አንስተው ያወጡት ነው በኢንተርነት ላይ ማግኘት ይቻላል። ኮንግረስ ውመን ሲኒትያ በጣም በመደስት እና በመኩራት አዲስ አበባ ካንድ ወር በፊት ሄድው ያላዩትን አኩሪ የኢትዮጵያን ትሪክ ኢትዮጵያውያን ጣሊኖችን ገርፈው ያባርሩበትን ልበ ቆራጥነት በማድነቅ ጣሊያኖቹ በመድፍ እና በጠመንጃ በነርቭ ጋዝ ሃይል ኢትዮጵያን ሊሰርቁ ያለመቻላቸውን ሲረዱ ምነው እንደነዚህ አይነት ጅግኖች በኖሩ ነው ያሉት ለአንድ ጥቁር ሕዝብ እና ለየአፍሪካ አሃጉሩን ነጻ አድርጎ አክብሮ የሚያስከብሩ ሴቶች እና ውእንዶች።
የኢትዮጵያ ቱሪዝም ፓሰርን መለእክት እያነበቡና በተፈጥሮ ውበትዋ እና በሚያምረው ጥቁረትዋ ተውባ በፓስተሩ ላይ ይምትታየውን ኢትዮጵያዊ የአርሲ ሴት እህቴ ስታምር እያሉ ጌጣጌጥዋ እና ዘመናዊ ጸጉር ቤት ሳትሄድ ጽጉርዋ በደንብ ተስተካክሉ በጉድሩ መልክ የተቀመጠውን እያደነቁ በጥያቄና መልስ አገሬ በሚልዋት ኢትዮጵያ እና በወዱት የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ታሪክ ኩራታቸው እየገነነ በቀኑ የሰሙትን እና ያዩትን ለመጀመሪያ ጊዜ መረዳአቸው ማወቃቸው መሆኑን እየመለሱ የተነሱት ፎቶግራፍ።
በጣም ብዙ የሰውን ልጅ ኑሮ እና መከራ ደስታ የአንዋንዋር ዘዴ ስልጣኔንም ጭምር አስተዳደርንም በማጠቃለል የሚያሳዩ ሰሎች እና ከእንጨት እና ከድንጋይ የተሰሩ ቅርጻ ቅርጾችን በመስራት የምእራብ አፍርካ ተወላጆች ወገኖቻችን የታወቁበት ነው። በመሆኑ ብዙ ሳይባል ከስ ዕሉ ብቻ ብዙ ታሪክ መማር ይቻላል ብሎም ከቅርጻ ቅርጾች። ታዲያ ሲnቲያ ሜኪኒ አብረውት የተነሱት ሰዕል ከምእራብ አፍሪካ የተገዛ ስእል ሲሆን ሰዕሉ የሚያሳየው መንደር ባህር አጠገብ ያለ መንደር ንዋሪው አሳ ለማጥመድ መረቡን እየጣለ እያለ ነው።
በአሜሪካን ምክር ቤት አባልነት የታወቁት ጀግኒት ሲንቲያ እና የሐረርወርቅ ጋሻው ፡ ከሁዋላቸው የአሴ ቴዎድሮስ ሰእል እና የኢትዮጵያን ጀግንነት የሚያሳዩ ታሪካዊ ሰዕሎች ተገን አድርግው የተነሱት ፎትግራፍ።
ከተከበሩ የተለያዩ እንጨቶች የተስሩ የአፍሪካ ታሪክን እና የሴቶችን አገር መሪነት ለቤተሰብ ምሰሶ ስር መሰረት መሆንን እና ሌላም ሌላም ታሪክን ከሚገልጹት ቅርጻቅርጾች እንደሚታየው በግድግዳው ላይ ካሉት ጋር ክብርት ሲንቲያ ለማስታወሻ በአፍሪካ ታሪክ በኩራት የተነሱት ፎቶግራፍ።
በአውሮፓ፡ በአሜሪካ፡ በአፍሪካ፡ በመካከለኛው ምስራቅ፡ በእሩቅ ምስራቅ ጭምር በብዙ መጽሄቶች እና የቴሌቪዢን ብሎም በመንገድ ላይ በሚገኙ የማስታወቂያ ግድግዳዎች እና ባስ ላይ የወጣውን የሐረርውርቅን ሳያውቁ በፊት የሚያውቁትን ፓስተርዋን ይዘው የተነሱትን ፎቶ መነሻ በማድረግ በስብሰባ ላይ ሲገልጹ "የሐረርወርቅ ወታደር ነች። ይሄውም ሞደል ስለሆነች ሳይሆን፡ በሞደልነትዋ ብሎም በአክትረስነት የምታገኘውን የሚዲያ መድረክ በመጠቀም ኢትዮጵያውያን እረሃብተኞች እየተባሉ ታሪክ እንደሌላቸው እየተደረገ በአሜሪካን ቴለቪዥን ሲስተጋባ እና ሲዛቡ ባቸው፡ ኢትዮጵያውያን ጀግኖች ናቸው። የታሪክ እናት እና አባት የነጻነት ፡ የታሪክ መእራፍ በሚል ጭምር የኢትዮጵያን ብሎም የሌላውን የአፍሪካን ትክክለኛ ማንንነት በማስተጋባት የፈጸመችው ጅግንነት በቀላሉ የሚታይ አይደለም። ለኢዮጵያ ለመላው ለአፍሪካ፡ ለአፍሪካን አሜሪክን ነጻነት ለጥቁር ሐዝብ መብት ለአፍሪካ አንድነት ከልጅነትዋ ጀምሮ እስካሁንም ቀጥላበት እየከፈለች ያለችውን መስዋእትነት በቀላሉ የሚገመት አይደለም" ሲሉ ደምድመዋል።
ክብር ሲንቲያ እና የሐረውርቅ ጋሻው ጊዮን ምግብ ቤት ሲንቲያ የሚወዱን በያይነቱ በመመገብ ላይ እያሉ.July 13, 2013., 6:PM Central time.
Yeharerwer Gashaw at home with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney on July 11, 2013 at 5: 45 PM CT.
Photo News brifing from National Black United Front Dallas Chapter. Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., and Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Nebiyu Damte in Dallas. Photos by Messele Kelel
National Black United Front (NBUF) 34th Annual National Convention in Dallas a 5 days event was very successful!
The convention day one started on July 11, at 7 : p.m, at St. Luke Community United Mehodist
with Keynote Speaker Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr., Pasto Emeritus, Trinity UCC-Chicago Ill.
In the picture from left right are Yeharewerk Gashaw one of the founders of NBUF Dallas Chapter and board member, Kofi Taharka, Natioanl Chairman, Dr. Jeremiah Wright Jr, Thomas Muhammad founder of NBUF Dallas Chapter, Chairperson, Jeffery Muhammad, Student Minister Nation of Islam Mosque #48 Dallas, Cynthia McKinney 1st Black Female US Rep. State of Georgia and Dr. Wesley Muhammad.
July 11, 2013,Thomas Muhammad introducing Dr. Henry L. Masters on to his left Dr. Jeremiah Wright, JR., listening.
July 11, 2013, from left to right Dr. Sheron Patterson, Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Mr. Nebiyou Damte of Ethiopia Director of Christian Fellowship Ministries International, Shadrack Ruto, Senior Pastor of Upendo Baptist Church, Sheikh Tijan Badjie an Imam from Gambian community.
July 11, 2013, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Yeharerwerk Gashaw at St. Luke Community Town Hall Meeting
African culture and Dance youth group opening the convention with African dram and welcoming the distinguish gusts and the crowd.
July 11, 2013, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinny, Yeharerwerk Gashaw, Rev.Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Jr, Thomas Muhammad. End of the Town Hall Meeting "African Spirituality at Home & Abroad"
July 12/ 13, at The Balck Academy of Arts & Letters (TBAAL) where the two days NBUF's Convention took place. In the picture, Fred Gaffar one of the NBUF founders and board member with the founder of TBAAL Curtis King and Messele Kelel of Ethiopia. Mesele served on Samia Nkrumah host organizing committee as the Vice President of Transportation and Photographer.

Congresswoman Cynthia McKenny, Thomas Muhammad and Yeharewerk
Yeharerwerk Gashaw with along time friend Curtis King the founder of "The Black Academy of Arts and Letters. Curtis King was in Addis Abeba , Ethiopia and organized show at the National Theater formerly Kedamawi Haile Selassie Theater Bet.
Nebiyou Damte, Director-Christian Fellowship Ministries International and Messele Kelel both from Ethiopia enjoying the nbuf's banquet. Mr. Nebiyu, was both days July 11 & 13 was one of the participants on the 34th National Black United Front Convention on the Community Town Hall Meeting along Dr. Fredrick D. Haynes, III, Senior Pastor Friendship Wet Baptist Church, Keynote Speaker Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wrights, Jr.UCC-Chicago Ill, Dr. Wesley Muhammad, Willis Johnson. And participated on panel discussion: "Battling Illiteracy among African-What's Best Public or Private"
Here Messele Kelel with the Africans and African-Americans Queen of human rights Congresswoman McKinney at the banquet.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney visiting ICDC's nobel work. From NBUF News
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
.Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has visited and prayed at St. Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Garland, Texas.
From NBUF News:
On Saturday July 13, 20013 at 5: 30 PM Central time, Guest of National United Front (NBUF) Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney of Georgia, visited St. Michael the first Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Dallas now in Garland, Texas. The church was purchased by Ethiopian refugees (immigrants) without a support of any corporate or organization. The Congresswoman was in Dallas mainly to speak and participate at NBUF's 34th Annual National Convention a four days program beginning with "Africans Must United at Home And Abroad" Revisiting Principles of Pan-Africanism. Special guest Samia Nkrumah.
On July 11, Among the speakers at "African Spirituality at Home & Abroad: Africans come together to discuss how faith helped Africans Liberation" (???) Dr. Jeremiah Wright, JR., Pastor Emeritus, Trinity UCC-Chicago ILL, Dr. Frederick D. Hayens III, Senior Pastor Friendship West Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas and an Ethiopian, Ato Nebiyou Damete, Director of Christian Fellowship Ministries International and Dr. Wesley Muhammad and Dr. Sheron Patterson.
St. Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Garland , was invited to take a part with other spiritual leaders, at
"African Spirituality a Home & Abroad: Africans come together to discuss how faith helped Africans Liberation" (???)
but didn't participate. For more information on NBUF and the Convention, visit ""
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney's pictures and visiting St. Michael Church was a privet and organized by her official host,
Yeharerwerk Gashaw of NBUF.
After the Church visitation and prying Congresswoman having dinner at the best Ethiopia Restaurant in Dallas "Ghion". In the picture, welcoming by sister Amakelech Belayneh the owner of Ghion Restaurant.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and international human rights activist Yeharerwerk Gashaw at a protest in Dallas, against Zimerman not guilty verdict.
From WFAA channel
Posted on July 14, 2013 at 9:53 AM
Updated yesterday at 3:35 PM
Do you agree with the jury's verdict for George Zimmerman?
Trayvon Martin rally draws hundreds in Dallas
Lawyer says safety is a concern after Zimmerman acquittal
President Obama: Trayvon Martin's death is a tragedy for America
Perry on Zimmerman verdict: 'Our justice system is color blind'
RAW VIDEO George Zimmerman hears not guilty verdict
George Zimmerman cleared in shooting of Trayvon Martin
DALLAS — More than a dozen people peacefully protested the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial at a rally in downtown Dallas late Saturday night.
They held signs saying "No justice, no peace."
Former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney joined the protest on Main Street. She said the acquittal of Zimmerman in the shooting death of black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida represented a failure of American justice.
"We have a history, quite frankly, of injustice in the courts system, so this is one more example of what's wrong in the United States," McKinney said. "But the young people who gathered on the streets tonight in Dallas are an example of what's right with this country."
The group planned another protest on Sunday afternoon.
Demonstrators upset with the verdict protested mostly peacefully in Florida, Milwaukee, Washington, Atlanta and other cities overnight and into the early morning Sunday, but some broke windows and vandalized a police squad car in Oakland during protests in four California cities, authorities said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
From WFAA channel
Posted on July 14, 2013 at 9:53 AM
Updated yesterday at 3:35 PM
Do you agree with the jury's verdict for George Zimmerman?
Trayvon Martin rally draws hundreds in Dallas
Lawyer says safety is a concern after Zimmerman acquittal
President Obama: Trayvon Martin's death is a tragedy for America
Perry on Zimmerman verdict: 'Our justice system is color blind'
RAW VIDEO George Zimmerman hears not guilty verdict
George Zimmerman cleared in shooting of Trayvon Martin
DALLAS — More than a dozen people peacefully protested the not guilty verdict in the George Zimmerman murder trial at a rally in downtown Dallas late Saturday night.
They held signs saying "No justice, no peace."
Former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney joined the protest on Main Street. She said the acquittal of Zimmerman in the shooting death of black teenager Trayvon Martin in Florida represented a failure of American justice.
"We have a history, quite frankly, of injustice in the courts system, so this is one more example of what's wrong in the United States," McKinney said. "But the young people who gathered on the streets tonight in Dallas are an example of what's right with this country."
The group planned another protest on Sunday afternoon.
Demonstrators upset with the verdict protested mostly peacefully in Florida, Milwaukee, Washington, Atlanta and other cities overnight and into the early morning Sunday, but some broke windows and vandalized a police squad car in Oakland during protests in four California cities, authorities said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Friday, July 5, 2013
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