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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Tigrayanism confronting Ethiopianism
Ethiopia and her children under stress caused by the anti Ethiopian groups namely TPLFand EPLF. The above photo is the beautiful"ETHIOPIA", the popular Africanist, the patriotic Ethiopian, the lovely Yeharer Work Gashawvisiting the captured Teen age Ethiopian Armies by the Eritrean banditry army during the " war occurred between TPLF and EPLF after both bandits became government of Eritrea and Ethiopia ". These captives were kept in horrible prisons and conditions in Eritrea, Yeharer was trying to negotiate with the banditry leaders’ of the EPLF for their release. She is interviewing the captive Teen age armies and others sharing their difficulties.. TPLF was responsible largely for Ethiopians to be captured in massive under this condition to protect the present border of Tigray. These are Teenagers that TPLF forced them to join the war after TPLF carelessly that TPLF let its borders unprotected for reason no one yet knew why? None of the TPLF leaders yet hold accountable for such irresponsible sluggish border security that lead to many thousand Ethiopian life consumed. Where is Justice that could have bring TPLF leaders to court of law under these jungle bandits? Listen part 1-2- how the Tigrayan speakers in the army as commanders of the army shuttered the view of none Tigringa speaking army. Listen the audio Part one and part 2.
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