ATO & Taxicab Drivers around the metropolitan area are boycotting the New Year Eve in Dallas.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
An International Ethiopian Humanitarian/Actress asks for the public support for the Association of Taxicab Operators in Dallas “"We ask for fairness.” Ms. Gashaw was one of the community leaders who organized the "Poor People's March for Dallas” that included speakers such as Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway, city council members Carolyn Davis and Tennell Atkins, as well as activists, students, and Christian and Muslim leaders from around the community.
In a move designed to resolve the on-going conflict between the City and the independent taxi operators, the Association of Taxicab Operators (ATO) has submitted a Four Point Plan to Dallas Mayor Tom Leppert. The plan recommends eliminating the current city initiative that allows Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)-powered cab to move to the head of the line at taxi queues. In its place, ATO recommends a staggered replacement schedule that will permit taxi operators to purchase any vehicle that meets aggressive pollution and efficiency guidelines. Vehicles in this category include diesel, bio-fuel, hybrid, fuel cell and electric.
ATO advocates clean energy and energy independence that needs not sacrifice values of fairness that are embodied in a first come first serve culture. ATO is currently challenging the City’s head of the line initiative in court. The Four Point Plan is an attempt to avoid further litigation and to establish a cooperative working relationship with the City. Drivers at Dallas Love Field Airport are going out of business.
To bolster this cooperative working relationship, ATO has proposed that the City recognize the independent taxi operators as the City’s goodwill ambassadors. In this capacity the independent taxi operators can help to create and reinforce the perception that Dallas is a visitor friendly city as well as international culture oriented due to 95 % naturalized US citizens taxi drivers in Dallas.
Without a resolution of these issues, the independent taxi operators will be forced out of business. This will leave Yellow Cab Company that has over 51% of market share, with an absolute monopoly. It would also send a disconcerting message to other small business owners in the city who are competing against legacy companies. All the above stated information was sent to the mayor and city council members, but unfortunately no answer has been forthcoming and this only forces us to take this extreme measure of boycotting the New Year’s Eve. We regret the inconvenience that this might cause the public but we ask you to understand our situation and our forced actions and we urge you to call City Hall and the mayor to help us resolve the situation.
For more information contacts are:
Dr. Al-Fatih Ameen (817) 521-3012
ATO Chairman
Yeharerwerk (Yeharer) Gashaw (214) 642- 0394
Dec 27-2010 at 3:p.m. በክራውን ፕላዛ ሆቴል ውስጥ ኢትዮጵያውያንና ኤርትርውያን የግል ታክሲ ባለቤቶችና አሽከርክሪዎች፡ በነጻነት እራስን ችሎ የመስራት መብት በዳላስ ከንቲባ ቶምለፕርትና በማዘጋጃቤቱ ምክር ቤት በመቀማታቸው ምክንያት የጋራ ችግራቸውን ባንድነት ለመቁዋቁዋም በፈጠሩት ግብረሃይል አማካኝነት ትልቅ ስብሰባ አድርገው ነበር። ይሄ ጥቃት የሁላችንም
የሕብረተሰቡ ነው ብለን እንድንወስድው ይገባል። በጣም የሚያሳዝንና ጊዜ የማይስጥ የኑሮ አደጋ ላይ ሁሉንም አፍሪካዊ ታክሲ ነጂና የቲኒንሽ ታክሲ ባለቤቶች ካፍሪካም አልፎ ኢራኒያውያን፡ አረቦችን፡ ባንግላዴሽና ባጠቃላይ ቲኒሽ የታክሲ ካምፓኒዎችን ከዳላስ ለማባረር የመጣው እያስተባበራቸው ነው። ሕብረታቸው በጣም ያስደስታል።
የተጫነባቸውን ውሳኔ በጠበቃም ቢባል ባደረጉት ሰላማዊ ሰልፍም ሊወጡት ባለመቻላቸው
ከላይ የታክሲ አሶሴሽኑ ሁለት ሺ ሁለት መቶ አባላት ያሉት በፕሬስ መግለጫው እንደገለጸው ተሰሚነት አላገኙም፡፡ ችግርሩን ለመቅረፍ እጎናቸው እንድስለፍ በተጠራሁት መሰረት በስብሰባቸው ላይ ተገኝቼ ነበር።
ከዝህ በታች ያሉት ፍቶግራፎች በአቶ ብዙ አበጀ የተነሱ ናቸው።
የታስክ ፎርስ አባላት በከፊል።

አቶ መንገሻ የታስክ ፎርሱ ሊቀመንበር ስብሰባውን በንግግር ሲከፍቱ፡

የሐረርወርቅ ጋሻው በንግግር ላይ።
የሕብረተሰቡ ነው ብለን እንድንወስድው ይገባል። በጣም የሚያሳዝንና ጊዜ የማይስጥ የኑሮ አደጋ ላይ ሁሉንም አፍሪካዊ ታክሲ ነጂና የቲኒንሽ ታክሲ ባለቤቶች ካፍሪካም አልፎ ኢራኒያውያን፡ አረቦችን፡ ባንግላዴሽና ባጠቃላይ ቲኒሽ የታክሲ ካምፓኒዎችን ከዳላስ ለማባረር የመጣው እያስተባበራቸው ነው። ሕብረታቸው በጣም ያስደስታል።
የተጫነባቸውን ውሳኔ በጠበቃም ቢባል ባደረጉት ሰላማዊ ሰልፍም ሊወጡት ባለመቻላቸው
ከላይ የታክሲ አሶሴሽኑ ሁለት ሺ ሁለት መቶ አባላት ያሉት በፕሬስ መግለጫው እንደገለጸው ተሰሚነት አላገኙም፡፡ ችግርሩን ለመቅረፍ እጎናቸው እንድስለፍ በተጠራሁት መሰረት በስብሰባቸው ላይ ተገኝቼ ነበር።
ከዝህ በታች ያሉት ፍቶግራፎች በአቶ ብዙ አበጀ የተነሱ ናቸው።
የታስክ ፎርስ አባላት በከፊል።
አቶ መንገሻ የታስክ ፎርሱ ሊቀመንበር ስብሰባውን በንግግር ሲከፍቱ፡
የሐረርወርቅ ጋሻው በንግግር ላይ።
ታክስ ነጂዎች።