Yeharerwerk Gashaw's professional head shot from Paggy Taylor Talent Agency.
The late Paggy Taylor was the first talent agent/agency in Dallas, Texas that worked and recognized by Hollywood and other film makers Worldwide this includes CBS Show "Dallas"
Yeharerwerk Gashaw, modeling at the "International Trade Show" Dallas.
Yeharerwerk Gashaw, the first Ethiopian Model ever featured
on "Jet" Centerfold in 1982. Photo Jet/Ebony Magazine
2 Intrnational wining pictrues of PL
Below, Yeharerwerk Gashaw the first Ethiopian model featured on Cartier's international ads in Paris 1980/90s
Yeharerwerk Gashaw as seen in America on billboards (LA,CA below)

Yeharewerk Gashaw and a New York Model modeling Neiman Marcus' Fashion in Dallas 1980s
From Kim Dawosn's Modeling Agency
The first Ethiopian International Model Yeharewerk Gashaw. Photo by Ethiopian Tourism Addis Abeba, Ethiopia August 1990.